On Tuesday, 7th of August 2018 me DK5NJ and Michael DB6NT started our DXpedition to Scotland. After a two days trip by car and ferry […]
WeiterlesenAutor: admin
2,3 GHz EME by DB6NT
Michael DB6NT has set up his new EME rig for the 13 cm Band and is now qrv. Learn more at http://www.db6nt.de/fileadmin/userfiles/_pdf/download_archiv/2-3_GHz_EME_Transverter.pdf
Weiterlesen2017 Microwave Channel DXpedition
In August 2017 Michael and me travelled to England. At first we did some connections from Dover. Later we travelled on to the south of […]
WeiterlesenDK0NA website online
New website of the Contest group and clubstation. Visit: DK0NA.de
WeiterlesenWin-Test mit dem IC-7300 verbinden
Da ich persönlich, sowie auch bei der Clubstation DK0NA, viel mit dem IC7300 arbeite, war es nur eine Frage der Zeit, das dieser auch ordentlich […]
Weiterlesen2016 DXpedition to the Baltic Sea
Firsts, records and a lot of fun… In 2016 I went onto a DXpedition to the Baltic Sea. There all participants could achieve some new […]
Weiterlesen24 GHz EME Transverter by DB6NT
DARC VHF-, UHF-, Mikrowellen-Wettbewerb, Mai 02./03.05.2020
Platz Rufzeichen DOK Loc. QSOs Punkte Abzuege Felder DXCC ODX 5 DK5NJ B23 JO50VJ 516 133340 1.6% 70 16 928 KN05RD YU7ACO CLAIMED Scores for […]
WeiterlesenDARC Easter Contest
Due to heavy QRM and QRN on 80m, I had to have a break of 1 hour during contest. Platz Rufzeichen DOK QSOs DOKs Pfxs […]
WeiterlesenSignal Generating for the mm-Wave Bands
A description by Michael Kuhne DB6NT and Gert Weinhold DG8EB